
The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for members of t...

The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for members of the National Congress.

a) The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for members of the National Congress.
b) The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for members of the Legislative Assemblies.
c) The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for the position of Mayor.
d) The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for the position of Governor.
e) The Regional Electoral Courts, among other attributions, are responsible for processing and judging the registration of candidates for the position of President of the Republic.
Apenas a afirmativa "a" está correta.
As afirmativas "b" e "c" estão corretas.
As afirmativas "a" e "b" estão corretas.
As afirmativas "a", "b" e "c" estão corretas.
Todas as afirmativas estão corretas.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Direito Eleitoral
249 pág.

Direito Eleitoral para Concurso Publico Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) "Os Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais, entre outras atribuições, são responsáveis pelo processamento e julgamento do registro de candidatos para membros do Congresso Nacional."



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