
The paper, position paper, or personal position is a small text on a predetermined theme. Paper consists of a small scientific article or text elab...

The paper, position paper, or personal position is a small text on a predetermined theme. Paper consists of a small scientific article or text elaborated for communication in congresses on a certain theme or on the results of a research project. It must have the same formal structure as a scientific article, but with a shorter length. What is the main characteristic of a paper?

A It has a formal structure similar to a scientific article, but with a shorter length.
B It has a formal structure similar to a book, but with a shorter length.
C It has a formal structure similar to a thesis, but with a shorter length.
D It has a formal structure similar to a dissertation, but with a shorter length.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação Final (Objetiva) - Metodologia Científica
6 pág.

Metodologia Científica Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci

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A principal característica de um paper é que ele possui uma estrutura formal semelhante à de um artigo científico, porém com um tamanho menor. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a A) Ele possui uma estrutura formal similar a um artigo científico, mas com um tamanho menor.


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