
The quantitative data below refer to the height (in meters) of a sample of 25 individuals. Organize the data in ascending order and inform the smal...

The quantitative data below refer to the height (in meters) of a sample of 25 individuals. Organize the data in ascending order and inform the smallest measured height: 2.00; 1.65; 1.63; 1.61; 1.69; 1.60; 1.58; 1.52; 1.90; 1.67; 1.82; 1.90; 1.70; 1.65; 1.60; 1.78; 1.91; 1.49; 1.53; 1.68; 1.67; 1.50; 1.51; 1.70; 1.88.

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Exercicios de bioestatistica
18 pág.

Bioestatística I Universidade IguaçuUniversidade Iguaçu


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Com base nos dados fornecidos, organizados em ordem crescente, temos: 1.49; 1.50; 1.51; 1.52; 1.53; 1.58; 1.60; 1.60; 1.61; 1.63; 1.65; 1.65; 1.67; 1.67; 1.68; 1.69; 1.70; 1.70; 1.78; 1.82; 1.88; 1.90; 1.90; 1.91; 2.00. A menor altura medida é 1.49 metros.


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