
Regarding occupational risks, which of the following statements is correct? a. Chemical risk can occur in the exposure to toxic substances such as...

Regarding occupational risks, which of the following statements is correct?

a. Chemical risk can occur in the exposure to toxic substances such as pesticides, detergents, and medications.
b. The chemical risk can occur in the exposure to ionizing radiation such as X-rays.
c. Physical risk is understood by any factor that interacts with the psychological and physiological characteristics of the worker.
d. Biological risk occurs when there is the presence of microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, parasites, cell lines, and other organisms in the environment.
a. a
b. b
c. c
d. d

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A alternativa correta é a letra D: "O risco biológico ocorre quando há a presença de microorganismos, bactérias, fungos, parasitas, linhagens celulares e outros organismos no ambiente."


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