
A monopolist serves two distinct markets. The function q1=32-0.4p1 presents the demand of the first and the function q2=18-0.1p2 presents the deman...

A monopolist serves two distinct markets. The function q1=32-0.4p1 presents the demand of the first and the function q2=18-0.1p2 presents the demand of the second. The firm's cost function is given by CT=50+40q. The monopolist can discriminate between the two markets. Find the quantities offered in each market.

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Microeconomia I USP - São PauloUSP - São Paulo


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To find the quantities offered in each market, we need to maximize the monopolist's profit. The profit function can be calculated as follows: Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost Total Revenue is equal to the product of the price and quantity in each market: TR1 = p1 * q1 TR2 = p2 * q2 Total Cost is given by the cost function: TC = 50 + 40q To maximize profit, we need to differentiate the profit function with respect to each quantity (q1 and q2) and set the derivatives equal to zero. This will give us the critical points where profit is maximized. d(Profit)/dq1 = d(TR1 - TC)/dq1 = 0 d(Profit)/dq2 = d(TR2 - TC)/dq2 = 0 By solving these equations, we can find the quantities offered in each market that maximize the monopolist's profit.


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