
Choose the correct alternative regarding the following statements: I. Henry Wallon's theory states that the affective dimension occupies a central...

Choose the correct alternative regarding the following statements:

I. Henry Wallon's theory states that the affective dimension occupies a central place both from the point of view of the construction of the person and in the construction of knowledge.
II. For Henry Wallon, the school should base its ideas on four basic elements: affectivity, movement, intelligence, and formation of the self.
III. In Henry Wallon's theory, the formation of the person has its integrated aspects (affective, motor, and cognitive).
IV. For Henry Wallon, the school should not only deal with the mind, but also with the body and emotions of children.
a) All statements are incorrect.
b) All statements are correct.
c) Statements I and II are correct.
d) Statements II and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Afetividades e Sexualidades em Educação Especial teste 1
8 pág.

Unisanta Universidade Santa CecíliaUniversidade Santa Cecília

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A alternativa correta é a letra d) Statements II and III are correct.


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