
Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article? a) For most people, reading something on a screen is as pleasurable a...

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

a) For most people, reading something on a screen is as pleasurable as is reading it on a page.
b) It is easier to read quickly and superficially with an e-book than it is with a printed book.
c) There is no better way to gain profound understanding of a difficult idea than by reading a printed book.
d) The convenience and facility offered by e-books more than compensate any possible loss of comprehension that may result from using that technology.
e) Reading something in a printed book tends to encourage greater understanding than reading the same thing in an e-book.

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68 pág.

Pedagogia Universidade Católica de BrasíliaUniversidade Católica de Brasília

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A alternativa que é mais apoiada pelas informações no artigo é a seguinte: d) A conveniência e facilidade oferecidas pelos e-books mais do que compensam qualquer possível perda de compreensão que possa resultar do uso dessa tecnologia.


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