
What is a mixed interview and how can it be effective? A mixed interview is a combination of speaking and convincing interviews and problem-solvin...

What is a mixed interview and how can it be effective?

A mixed interview is a combination of speaking and convincing interviews and problem-solving interviews.
When evaluators are properly trained and have the appropriate skills to carry out the multiple purposes of the interview, it can be used very effectively.
It is desirable to use the speaking and convincing interview for evaluation and the problem-solving interview for improvement, but it may not be feasible to conduct two separate interviews.
The mixed interview can start with the subordinate listening to the superior's evaluation, followed by a participatory debate on how performance can be improved (problem-solving), and end with an agreement on improvement objectives.
The effectiveness of the mixed interview depends not only on the steps to be taken before conducting the interview, but also on the way effective feedback is provided.

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Gestão de Recursos Humanos Universidad Autónoma de Entre RíosUniversidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos

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A mixed interview is a type of interview that combines elements of both speaking and convincing interviews, as well as problem-solving interviews. It is an effective approach when evaluators are properly trained and possess the necessary skills to fulfill the multiple purposes of the interview. In a mixed interview, the speaking and convincing interview is used for evaluation purposes, while the problem-solving interview is used for improvement. Ideally, these would be conducted as separate interviews, but in some cases, it may not be feasible to do so. The mixed interview typically begins with the subordinate listening to the superior's evaluation, followed by a participatory debate on how performance can be improved through problem-solving. Finally, the interview concludes with an agreement on improvement objectives. The effectiveness of a mixed interview depends not only on the preparation and steps taken before conducting the interview but also on the way effective feedback is provided. Providing constructive and meaningful feedback is crucial for the success of the mixed interview process.


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