
Regarding the role played by water in the cellular structures of living beings, which of the statements is not correct? acts as an enzymatic cata...

Regarding the role played by water in the cellular structures of living beings, which of the statements is not correct?

acts as an enzymatic catalyst for numerous intracellular reactions.
offers great stability conditions to protoplasmic colloids.
has direct participation in osmotic phenomena between the cell and the extracellular environment.
participates in hydrolysis reactions.
is the vehicle for the elimination of excreta from cellular metabolism.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

testes biologia celular
31 pág.

Biologia Molecular Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa que não está correta é "is the vehicle for the elimination of excreta from cellular metabolism" (é o veículo para a eliminação de excretas do metabolismo celular). A água desempenha um papel fundamental nas estruturas celulares dos seres vivos, mas não é responsável pelo transporte de excretas celulares.


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