
Comment on the answer: The correct answer is alternative B. In a monopoly, only one company has control of the market, which, as we said in the pr...

Comment on the answer:

The correct answer is alternative B.
In a monopoly, only one company has control of the market, which, as we said in the previous comment, harms the consumer because there is no price competition.
The other alternatives are contrary to this information and are therefore incorrect.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Economia e negócios questionário II
7 pág.

Economia e Negócios Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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The comment on the answer is correct. In a monopoly, a single company has control over the market, which can lead to higher prices and limited choices for consumers. Without competition, there is less incentive for the company to innovate or improve its products and services. This can ultimately harm the consumer by reducing their options and potentially leading to higher costs. Therefore, alternative B is the correct choice in this case.


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