
Considering the information presented, which of the following can be used as moist heat? Micro-organisms are living beings, mostly prokaryotes, th...

Considering the information presented, which of the following can be used as moist heat?

Micro-organisms are living beings, mostly prokaryotes, that is, they do not have a nucleus inside their cells.
They are microscopic beings that can be pathogenic, that is, they can cause different diseases.
Therefore, in our daily lives, and especially in practice, it is very important to wash our hands after handling contaminated materials.
A) 2% chlorhexidine
B) Autoclave
C) 70% alcohol
D) Enzymatic detergent
E) None of the above

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10 - Bioetica e legislação em Vigilância sanitaria
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Bioetica e Legislação Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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Based on the information provided, the correct answer would be B) Autoclave. The autoclave is a device that uses moist heat under high pressure to sterilize materials and kill microorganisms. It is commonly used in medical and laboratory settings to ensure the safety and sterility of equipment and supplies.


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