
Aerodispersoides is the dispersion of solid or liquid particles in the air, that is, it is a kind of mixture of solid or liquid substances with the...

Aerodispersoides is the dispersion of solid or liquid particles in the air, that is, it is a kind of mixture of solid or liquid substances with the air we breathe. These particles dispersed in the air are between 0.5 and 200 microns in size. Regarding the type of aerodispersoid, choose the correct statement.

The mist type is composed of particles in the liquid physical state.
The fog type is composed of particles in the solid physical state.
The mist type is composed of particles in the gaseous physical state.
The dust type is composed of particles in the gaseous physical state.
The smoke type is composed of particles in the gaseous physical state.

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9 pág.

Toxicologia Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é: "O tipo de aerodispersoide névoa é composto por partículas no estado físico líquido."


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