
What is the purpose of the information provided? a. To list the phone numbers of UBS units in Ceilândia and Planaltina. b. To list the phone numb...

What is the purpose of the information provided?

a. To list the phone numbers of UBS units in Ceilândia and Planaltina.
b. To list the phone numbers of UBS units in Ceilândia, Planaltina, and Recanto das Emas.
c. To list the phone numbers of UBS units in Ceilândia, Planaltina, Recanto das Emas, and the female prison.

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45 pág.

Direito do Trabalho I Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER

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The purpose of the information provided is to list the phone numbers of UBS (Unidade Básica de Saúde) units in Ceilândia, Planaltina, Recanto das Emas, and the female prison. Therefore, the correct answer is option c.


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