
Analyzing a study on interlinguistic interference, identify which of the following statements is TRUE: a) The errors identified in the study were a...

Analyzing a study on interlinguistic interference, identify which of the following statements is TRUE:
a) The errors identified in the study were all due to interference from the learner's L1.
b) The study found no positive influences from the learner's L2 on their L3 production.
c) The learner in the study correctly used the accent mark in the French word pièce due to positive transfer from their L1.
d) In occurrence number 37, the learner correctly conjugated the verb but chose the wrong lexical item due to interference from their L2.

a) The errors identified in the study were all due to interference from the learner's L1.
b) The study found no positive influences from the learner's L2 on their L3 production.
c) The learner in the study correctly used the accent mark in the French word pièce due to positive transfer from their L1.
d) In occurrence number 37, the learner correctly conjugated the verb but chose the wrong lexical item due to interference from their L2.

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A alternativa correta é a letra d) Na ocorrência número 37, o aprendiz conjugou corretamente o verbo, mas escolheu o item lexical errado devido à interferência de sua L2.


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