
What is the name of the last stanza in a ballad and what is its function? a. The last stanza is called volta and its function is to repeat the sa...

What is the name of the last stanza in a ballad and what is its function?

a. The last stanza is called volta and its function is to repeat the same concept as the previous stanzas in a parallel structure.
b. The last stanza is called oferenda or ofertório and its function is to repeat the same concept as the previous stanzas in a parallel structure.
c. The last stanza is called volta and its function is to offer a different perspective on the previous stanzas.
d. The last stanza is called oferenda or ofertório and its function is to offer a different perspective on the previous stanzas.

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A alternativa correta é a letra C. A última estrofe de uma balada é chamada de "volta" e sua função é oferecer uma perspectiva diferente das estrofes anteriores.


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