
According to the Code of Military Criminal Procedure, which decisions or sentences can be appealed through a special appeal? a) Decisions that re...

According to the Code of Military Criminal Procedure, which decisions or sentences can be appealed through a special appeal?

a) Decisions that recognize the non-existence of a military crime, in theory; decisions that deny the request for archiving or the return of the inquiry to the administrative authority; decisions that acquit the defendant in the case of article 48 of the Military Penal Code; decisions that do not receive the complaint in whole or in part, or its amendment; decisions that conclude on the incompetence of the Military Justice, the auditor or the Justice Council; decisions that judge the exception to be well-founded, except for suspicion; decisions that judge the body of the crime or other examinations to be unfounded; decisions that decree, or not, preventive detention, or revoke it; decisions that grant or deny the request for bail; decisions that decree the prescription, or judge, in another way, the punishment to be extinguished; decisions that deny the request for recognition of prescription or other cause of extinction of punishment; decisions that grant, deny, or revoke conditional release or conditional suspension of the sentence; decisions that annul, in whole or in part, the criminal instruction process; decisions that decide on the unification of sentences; decisions that decree, or not, the security measure; decisions that do not receive the appeal or appeal.
b) Decisions that recognize the non-existence of a military crime, in theory; decisions that deny the request for archiving or the return of the inquiry to the administrative authority; decisions that acquit the defendant in the case of article 48 of the Military Penal Code; decisions that do not receive the complaint in whole or in part, or its amendment; decisions that conclude on the incompetence of the Military Justice, the auditor or the Justice Council; decisions that judge the exception to be well-founded, except for suspicion; decisions that judge the body of the crime or other examinations to be unfounded; decisions that decree, or not, preventive detention, or revoke it; decisions that grant or deny the request for bail; decisions that decree the prescription, or judge, in another way, the punishment to be extinguished; decisions that deny the request for recognition of prescription or other cause of extinction of punishment; decisions that grant, deny, or revoke conditional release or conditional suspension of the sentence; decisions that annul, in whole or in part, the criminal instruction process; decisions that decide on the unification of sentences; decisions that decree, or not, the security measure.
c) Decisions that recognize the non-existence of a military crime, in theory; decisions that deny the request for archiving or the return of the inquiry to the administrative authority; decisions that acquit the defendant in the case of article 48 of the Military Penal Code; decisions that do not receive the complaint in whole or in part, or its amendment; decisions that conclude on the incompetence of the Military Justice, the auditor or the Justice Council; decisions that judge the exception to be well-founded, except for suspicion; decisions that judge the body of the crime or other examinations to be unfounded; decisions that decree, or not, preventive detention, or revoke it; decisions that grant or deny the request for bail; decisions that decree the prescription, or judge, in another way, the punishment to be extinguished; decisions that deny the request for recognition of prescription or other cause of extinction of punishment; decisions that grant, deny, or revoke conditional release or conditional suspension of the sentence; decisions that annul, in whole or in part, the criminal instruction process; decisions that decide on the unification of sentences; decisions that decree, or not, the security measure; decisions that do not receive the appeal or appeal.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

questões cpm
799 pág.

Legislação Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) Decisions that recognize the non-existence of a military crime, in theory; decisions that deny the request for archiving or the return of the inquiry to the administrative authority; decisions that acquit the defendant in the case of article 48 of the Military Penal Code; decisions that do not receive the complaint in whole or in part, or its amendment; decisions that conclude on the incompetence of the Military Justice, the auditor or the Justice Council; decisions that judge the exception to be well-founded, except for suspicion; decisions that judge the body of the crime or other examinations to be unfounded; decisions that decree, or not, preventive detention, or revoke it; decisions that grant or deny the request for bail; decisions that decree the prescription, or judge, in another way, the punishment to be extinguished; decisions that deny the request for recognition of prescription or other cause of extinction of punishment; decisions that grant, deny, or revoke conditional release or conditional suspension of the sentence; decisions that annul, in whole or in part, the criminal instruction process; decisions that decide on the unification of sentences; decisions that decree, or not, the security measure; decisions that do not receive the appeal or appeal.


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