
The BSC Balance Score Card allows the strategic alignment of the organization at all levels of strategy. For this, the mission and strategy are bro...

The BSC Balance Score Card allows the strategic alignment of the organization at all levels of strategy. For this, the mission and strategy are broken down into objectives and measures (or performance indicators) in four perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth.
Analyze the following sentence and choose the alternative that correctly completes the blank:
We know as (_______________________) the result of a particular organization doing something different and/or better than its competitors and, with this, creating greater value for its stakeholders.

Balance Scored Card.
Competitive Advantage.
Functional Strategy.
Business Unit Strategy.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Planejamento Estratégico - Av2 (2023)
3 pág.

Administração AnhangueraAnhanguera

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A alternativa correta para completar a lacuna é "Competitive Advantage" (Vantagem Competitiva).


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