
Answer the questions based on the given information: 1. Is the product user-friendly? 2. When will the two employees be replaced? 3. Is this the mo...

Answer the questions based on the given information:
1. Is the product user-friendly?
2. When will the two employees be replaced?
3. Is this the most sophisticated product?
4. What is the favorite web browser?
5. Why can't their songs be used in class?
6. When was the last time the filter was replaced?
7. What is the best means of communication to talk to customers?
8. Why will this gadget be taken out of stores?
9. Is this a cutting-edge product?
10. Why do people tend to stay in their comfort zone?
a. Yes, it is user-friendly.
b. They will have been replaced by the end of the month.
c. Yes, it is the most sophisticated one.
d. It is not specified.
e. Because they are protected by copyright.
f. It is not specified.
g. It is not specified.
h. Because it's obsolete.
i. Yes, it is a cutting-edge product.
j. Because they don't want to risk what they already have.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

W8 Extra Activities sem respostas
223 pág.

Inglês Faculdade Unigran CapitalFaculdade Unigran Capital


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Based on the given information, here are the answers to the questions: 1. Is the product user-friendly? Answer: a. Yes, it is user-friendly. 2. When will the two employees be replaced? Answer: b. They will have been replaced by the end of the month. 3. Is this the most sophisticated product? Answer: c. Yes, it is the most sophisticated one. 4. What is the favorite web browser? Answer: d. It is not specified. 5. Why can't their songs be used in class? Answer: e. Because they are protected by copyright. 6. When was the last time the filter was replaced? Answer: f. It is not specified. 7. What is the best means of communication to talk to customers? Answer: g. It is not specified. 8. Why will this gadget be taken out of stores? Answer: h. Because it's obsolete. 9. Is this a cutting-edge product? Answer: i. Yes, it is a cutting-edge product. 10. Why do people tend to stay in their comfort zone? Answer: j. Because they don't want to risk what they already have.


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