
Change the following sentences to the correct form: 1. His negative attitude doesn’t contributes with the success of our team. 2. Take in to consi...

Change the following sentences to the correct form:

1. His negative attitude doesn’t contributes with the success of our team.
2. Take in to consideration that we only have one week to organize the event.
3. The school is organizes a event in aid of African children.
4. I didn’t contributed to his political campaign.
5. We haven’t food enough to feed four hundred people.
6. It course will enable you to identify the way your customer want to b

Essa pergunta também está no material:

W8 Extra Activities sem respostas
223 pág.

Inglês Faculdade Unigran CapitalFaculdade Unigran Capital


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Certainly! Here are the corrected forms of the sentences: 1. His negative attitude doesn't contribute to the success of our team. 2. Take into consideration that we only have one week to organize the event. 3. The school is organizing an event in aid of African children. 4. I didn't contribute to his political campaign. 5. We don't have enough food to feed four hundred people. 6. This course will enable you to identify the way your customer wants to be. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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