
What is the maximum time limit for customs authorities to issue a resolution in a procedure? The maximum time limit for customs authorities to iss...

What is the maximum time limit for customs authorities to issue a resolution in a procedure?

The maximum time limit for customs authorities to issue a resolution in a procedure is three months.
If the customs authority does not issue a resolution within the mentioned period, the procedure will be considered lapsed.
a. 1st statement is true and 2nd statement is false.
b. 1st statement is false and 2nd statement is true.
c. Both statements are true.
d. Both statements are false.

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Ley Aduanera: Disposiciones Generales
203 pág.

Comércio Exterior Universidad Politécnica De TulancingoUniversidad Politécnica De Tulancingo


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The correct answer is option C: Both statements are true. The maximum time limit for customs authorities to issue a resolution in a procedure is three months. If the customs authority does not issue a resolution within this period, the procedure will be considered lapsed.



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