
The toy library is a playful environment that allows children to come into contact with a variety of toys. In addition, it is an important space to...

The toy library is a playful environment that allows children to come into contact with a variety of toys. In addition, it is an important space to play. Playing, in turn, is a path to ascend to the new, learn, (re)elaborate knowledge. Thus, it is correct to affirm that the toy library is a space:

A. to learn, interact, play, and create. The teacher is a mediator of the relationships that develop there.
B. that favors industrialized toys and creates opportunities for as many children as possible to enjoy them and question the school that denies the right to joy day after day. The toy library is also a space for instruction and training in specific reading, writing, and math skills and content, where children sit, just seeing and hearing, learning only with their eyes and ears.
C. that allows the child to obtain playful material, games, toys, and books, being also a free space that provides various types of activities such as plastic arts, sciences, games, recreation, music, and folklore, without necessarily the supervision and guidance of a teacher.
D. to play. Such a space does not need to be based on well-defined objectives and functions that help promote child development.

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A alternativa correta é a letra A. A biblioteca de brinquedos é um ambiente lúdico que permite às crianças entrar em contato com uma variedade de brinquedos. Além disso, é um espaço importante para aprender, interagir, brincar e criar. O professor atua como mediador das relações que se desenvolvem nesse ambiente.



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