
Hans Staden was a German who shipwrecked in Brazil and was captured and taken prisoner by the Tupinambá Indians. Staden wrote a book about colonial...

Hans Staden was a German who shipwrecked in Brazil and was captured and taken prisoner by the Tupinambá Indians. Staden wrote a book about colonial Brazil that became a bestseller in Europe hungry for stories from the New World. One of the editions of the book Two Voyages to Brazil, by Hans Staden, was illustrated by Theodor de Bry with extremely violent engravings of what would supposedly be the revenge and cannibalism rituals of the Tupinambás. By observing the following engraving made by de Bry, we can interpret that, from a formalist perspective, the artist represents the bodies of the indigenous people. Following the classical canons of representation of the human body, it is not faithful to the biotype of Brazilian indigenous people. Erroneously, since they do not follow the formal Renaissance canons. Not faithfully to reality, since he represents Hans Staden with the biotype of the Tupinambá Indians. Faithfully to reality, since he represents Hans Staden with a beard and the indigenous people without a beard. Faithfully to reality based on observation and study of the biotype of indigenous bodies. Choose the incorrect alternative:

Following the classical canons of representation of the human body, it is not faithful to the biotype of Brazilian indigenous people.
Erroneously, since they do not follow the formal Renaissance canons.
Not faithfully to reality, since he represents Hans Staden with the biotype of the Tupinambá Indians.
Faithfully to reality, since he represents Hans Staden with a beard and the indigenous people without a beard.
Faithfully to reality based on observation and study of the biotype of indigenous bodies.

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15 pág.

Artes Visuais Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa incorreta é: "Faithfully to reality, since he represents Hans Staden with the biotype of the Tupinambá Indians."


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