
What is the definition of the International Investment Position (IIP)? a) The IIP is the record, at a given point in time, of the financial assets...

What is the definition of the International Investment Position (IIP)?

a) The IIP is the record, at a given point in time, of the financial assets of residents that represent claims on non-residents, plus gold of the AM, and the stock of residents' liabilities to non-residents.
b) The IIP is the record, at a given point in time, of the financial assets of non-residents that represent claims on residents, plus gold of the AM, and the stock of non-residents' liabilities to residents.
c) The IIP is the record, at a given point in time, of the financial assets of residents that represent claims on non-residents, plus gold of the AM, and the stock of non-residents' liabilities to residents.
d) The IIP is the record, at a given point in time, of the financial assets of non-residents that represent claims on residents, plus gold of the AM, and the stock of residents' liabilities to non-residents.

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Aula 06_2023_1 pptx
19 pág.

Módulo 2 - Fundamentos em Saúde e Outras Políticas Públicas I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A definição correta da Posição Internacional de Investimentos (IIP) é: a) A IIP é o registro, em um determinado momento, dos ativos financeiros dos residentes que representam créditos sobre não residentes, além do ouro do AM, e o estoque de passivos dos residentes para com não residentes.


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