
Among the evolutions of connectivity, the use of radio signals to connect various electronic components to the same physical medium was a historic ...

Among the evolutions of connectivity, the use of radio signals to connect various electronic components to the same physical medium was a historic milestone. The possibility of wireless connection promoted a considerable advance in the variety of equipment capable of connecting to the internet. The revolution was such that the concept known as IoT (Internet of Things) was created. This concept supports the idea that anything can be designed to be a host on a network, allowing the exchange of information between devices. Considering the content studied, it can be said that IoT is:

A network of interconnected computers.
A network of interconnected devices.
A network of interconnected servers.
A network of interconnected databases.
Correct answer A network of interconnected things.

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A resposta correta é: "Uma rede de coisas interconectadas". O conceito de IoT (Internet das Coisas) refere-se a uma rede de dispositivos interconectados que podem trocar informações entre si. Esses dispositivos podem ser qualquer coisa, desde eletrodomésticos até veículos, que possuem a capacidade de se conectar à internet e compartilhar dados.


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