
What were the objectives of the survey conducted in the research field of Inclusive Education and Human Rights Education in the classroom with blin...

What were the objectives of the survey conducted in the research field of Inclusive Education and Human Rights Education in the classroom with blind students?

I - To identify the conceptions of teachers that have a blind student in the Final Years of Elementary School about Human Rights Education, Inclusive Education and Educational Practices.
II - To observe if the principles of Inclusive Education and Human Rights Education are materialized in the educational practices of these teachers.
III - To establish the relationship, or not, between the conceptions about Inclusive Education and Human Rights Education and the observed educational practice.

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175 pág.

Comunicação Empresarial I Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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Os objetivos da pesquisa realizada no campo da Educação Inclusiva e Educação em Direitos Humanos na sala de aula com alunos cegos foram: I - Identificar as concepções dos professores que têm um aluno cego nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental sobre Educação em Direitos Humanos, Educação Inclusiva e Práticas Educacionais. II - Observar se os princípios da Educação Inclusiva e da Educação em Direitos Humanos são materializados nas práticas educacionais desses professores. III - Estabelecer a relação, ou não, entre as concepções sobre Educação Inclusiva e Educação em Direitos Humanos e a prática educacional observada.


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