
What were the themes addressed in the actions developed by the school in 2016? a) Sexual education, violence and drugs, healthy eating, and susta...

What were the themes addressed in the actions developed by the school in 2016?

a) Sexual education, violence and drugs, healthy eating, and sustainable consumption.
b) Family relationships, traffic education, and literary production.
c) Dengue prevention, bullying prevention, and traffic education.
d) Sexual education, violence and drugs, and sustainable consumption.
e) Healthy eating, autonomy, and sustainable consumption.

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175 pág.

Comunicação Empresarial I Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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De acordo com a alternativa apresentada, a resposta correta é a letra D) Sexual education, violence and drugs, and sustainable consumption. (Educação sexual, violência e drogas, e consumo sustentável).



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