
Fredric Jameson's view on the fantastic does not quite resonate with Todorov's perspective. Read the quote below and then choose the option which b...

Fredric Jameson's view on the fantastic does not quite resonate with Todorov's perspective. Read the quote below and then choose the option which best completes the sentence that follows: If SF is the exploration of all the constraints thrown up by history itself - the web of counter f inalities and anti-dialectics which human production has itself produced - then fantasy is the other side of the coin and a celebration of human creative power and f reedom which becomes idealistic only by virtue of the omissio n of precisely those material and historical constraints. Magic, then, may be read, not as some facile plot device (which it no doubt becomes in the great bulk of mediocre fantasy production), but rather as a f igure for the enlargement of human powers and their passage to the limit, their actualization of everything latent and virtual in the stunted human organism of the present (JAMESON, 2005, p. 66). Source: JAMESON, Fredric. Archaeologies of the Future: A Desire Called Utopia and other Science Fictions. New York: Verso, 2005. Fredric Jameson is a materialist literary critic who pictures the fantastic as

the challenge of creating a world believable enough for readers to both locate it historically and also picture it in their minds.
the impossibility of depicting a realistic drawing of the world through fiction, thus turning to the fantastic.
the possibility of a full realization of the human imaginative potential in works of fiction.
the possibility of creating a world completely other than our own, with no reference to actual reality.

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Literaturas de Língua Inglesa Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Fredric Jameson's view on the fantastic is the possibility of a full realization of the human imaginative potential in works of fiction.


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