
What is the relationship between productivity in maintenance and the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue? The higher the ratio betwee...

What is the relationship between productivity in maintenance and the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue?
The higher the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue, the higher the productivity in maintenance.
The lower the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue, the higher the productivity in maintenance.
The ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue has no relationship with productivity in maintenance.

a) The higher the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue, the higher the productivity in maintenance.
b) The lower the ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue, the higher the productivity in maintenance.
c) The ratio between maintenance costs and gross revenue has no relationship with productivity in maintenance.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

1021-Texto do artigo-3238-1-10-20131030
18 pág.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) A relação entre os custos de manutenção e a receita bruta não tem relação com a produtividade na manutenção.


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