
The presentation of the requirements constitutes one third of the total grade for the questions. This will be evaluated according to the following ...

The presentation of the requirements constitutes one third of the total grade for the questions. This will be evaluated according to the following table: The possible grades for this criterion are presented in the following table: Tabela 3: Possible grades in the code presentation. NOTE DESCRIPTION IN FEEDBACK COMMENTS 100 Requirements consistent with the interview and correctly classified as functional and non-functional. It is in accordance with the example (see the section 'EXAMPLE OF QUESTION PRESENTATION' for more details). 60 Requirements consistent with the interview, but incorrectly classified as functional and non-functional. Correct requirements with interview, but with requirements classification error. 40 Requirements consistent with the interview, but not classified as functional and non-functional. Correct requirements with interview, but without classification as functional and non-functional. 0 Without requirements or with incorrect requirements. The question did not present code or the code was wrong. SOURCE: Roteiro de Atividade Prática de Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas

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Empreendedorismo Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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