
There are several possible approaches or types of approaches for research. These approaches, in general, assist in the design of the research study...

There are several possible approaches or types of approaches for research. These approaches, in general, assist in the design of the research study structure. Regarding the main characteristics of the quantitative and qualitative approaches, choose the CORRECT alternative:

A The quantitative approach is not based on statistics, while the qualitative approach is based on statistics.
B The qualitative approach tests hypotheses while the quantitative approach is conducted in natural environments.
C The qualitative approach performs cause and effect analysis, while the quantitative approach extracts data from the natural environment.
D The quantitative approach is based on statistics, while the qualitative approach is conducted in natural environments.

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Metodologia Científica (FI
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Metodologia Científica UniasselviUniasselvi

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A alternativa correta é a letra D: "A abordagem quantitativa é baseada em estatísticas, enquanto a abordagem qualitativa é conduzida em ambientes naturais."


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