
Use PRETERIT and the VERBS TO complete the text The Titanic (be) British passenger liner of the White Star She and her sister ships, The Olympic an...

Use PRETERIT and the VERBS TO complete the text The Titanic (be) British passenger liner of the White Star She and her sister ships, The Olympic and the Britannic (be) the largest ships in the world ever Although she was considered as she (sink) in the North Atlantic ocean on April, 15 in 1912. It (be) only four days after she (leave) Europe to NY city on her maiden voyage which she That she (hit) iceberg which (damage) her hull and soon the freezing water (flood) the watertight compartments and she finally (founder) at the bottom of the ocean There (be) 2,222 passengers and crew aboard but they (not/all survive). Why and how many passengers ? (perish) Many passengers (perish) because there (not/be) enough lifeboats and the liner Carpathia (can) only rescue 705 More than 1,500 people (drown) or (die) from Why the Titonic legend? (become) It (become) a legend because of its tragic end and a film called Titanic based on her true story was released in 1997. starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate TITANIC

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The Titanic was a British passenger liner of the White Star Line. She and her sister ships, the Olympic and the Britannic, were the largest ships in the world at the time. Although she was considered unsinkable, she sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912. It was only four days after she had left Europe for New York City on her maiden voyage. She hit an iceberg, which damaged her hull, and soon the freezing water flooded the watertight compartments. She finally foundered at the bottom of the ocean. There were 2,222 passengers and crew aboard, but not all of them survived. Many passengers perished because there were not enough lifeboats, and the liner Carpathia could only rescue 705 people. More than 1,500 people drowned or died. The Titanic became a legend because of its tragic end, and a film called Titanic, based on its true story, was released in 1997, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.


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