
How is the EFS scored? a) Based on observation of an entire feeding, with scaled choices for each item. b) Based on the infant's body tone, latch...

How is the EFS scored?

a) Based on observation of an entire feeding, with scaled choices for each item.
b) Based on the infant's body tone, latch strength, and tongue movements.
c) Based on the rise and fall of the infant's chest during breathing and swallowing sounds.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

The Early Feeding Skills Assessment for Preterm Infants
15 pág.

Fonoaudiologia Universidad de ValènciaUniversidad de València


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The EFS (Early Feeding Skills) is scored based on the infant's body tone, latch strength, and tongue movements. This assessment evaluates the baby's ability to feed and identifies any difficulties or challenges they may be experiencing during feeding.



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