
Charles Sanders Peirce divided his semiotic theory into three categories, which are: firstness, secondness, and thirdness. In the phenomenological ...

Charles Sanders Peirce divided his semiotic theory into three categories, which are: firstness, secondness, and thirdness. In the phenomenological context, they can be called faculties. Regarding the above, classify V for true statements and F for false statements:
( ) The first faculty can be exemplified when we observe an object, artwork, or music, and describe what we see without value judgment.
( ) The second faculty is when we observe in detail, seeking the elements and their characteristics, comparing them.
( ) The third faculty prompts us to choose one of the previous alternatives, emphasizing the one that is most suitable for interpreting the object. Choose the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:

A) B F.
B) C D V V.
C) A B F.


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A sequência correta é: B) C D V V.


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