
What are the objectives of the advanced level of the CUID? a) To be able to understand complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, relate to n...

What are the objectives of the advanced level of the CUID?

a) To be able to understand complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, relate to native speakers, and produce clear and detailed texts.
b) To be able to read basic sentences about daily life, listen to sounds and dialogues, and fill in application forms.
c) To be able to construct dialogues about daily routines, describe personal objects, and write a scheduled diary.

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Os objetivos do nível avançado do CUID (Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros) são: a) Ser capaz de compreender textos complexos sobre temas concretos e abstratos, se relacionar com falantes nativos e produzir textos claros e detalhados. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A.


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