
Which of the following statements does not ref lect the content of the text? a) The GATT members used to gather f rom time to time. b) 117 countr...

Which of the following statements does not ref lect the content of the text?

a) The GATT members used to gather f rom time to time.
b) 117 countries signed a new trade agreement.
c) The World Trade Organization (WTO) used to be called GATT.
d) A new trade agreement may be signed by 117 countries.
e) Reducing trade barriers was one of the main concerns of the GATT.

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14 pág.

Concursos Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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A alternativa que não reflete o conteúdo do texto é a letra D) Um novo acordo comercial pode ser assinado por 117 países.



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