
What is the objective of this review? a) To understand the pedagogical thinking of the Renaissance period based on the author's thoughts on the e...

What is the objective of this review?

a) To understand the pedagogical thinking of the Renaissance period based on the author's thoughts on the emergence of Renaissance ideas.
b) To analyze the historical context of the Renaissance period and its contributions to education.
c) To discuss the formation of the bourgeois man and the humanistic ideas that influenced education during the Renaissance period.
d) To provide a chronological sequence of the main humanists and their contributions to education during the Renaissance period.

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resenha capitulo 5 atualizado
4 pág.

Cálculo I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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The objective of this review is to analyze the historical context of the Renaissance period and its contributions to education.



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