
Regarding Augustine's reflection on time, the text clearly indicates: a) The elaboration of a philosophical speculation within the limits of Chri...

Regarding Augustine's reflection on time, the text clearly indicates:

a) The elaboration of a philosophical speculation within the limits of Christianity.
b) The development of the notion of temporality that underlies modern physics.
c) The gnosiological thesis that knowledge is achieved through divine illumination.
d) The conceptual distinction between worldly joy and happiness in Augustine.
e) The contrast between Augustine's temporality and Aristotelian temporality.

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4 pág.

Filosofia Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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A resposta correta é a alternativa a) A elaboração de uma especulação filosófica dentro dos limites do cristianismo. O texto indica que a reflexão de Agostinho sobre o tempo é uma exploração filosófica que se baseia nos princípios e ensinamentos do cristianismo.



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