
Considering the PCL-R, which criteria, when present, corroborate the diagnosis of psychopathy? a) Existence of empathy and behavioral control. b)...

Considering the PCL-R, which criteria, when present, corroborate the diagnosis of psychopathy?

a) Existence of empathy and behavioral control.
b) Pathological lying and superficial affective feelings.
c) Juvenile delinquency and lasting affective relationships.
d) Intense affective feelings and lasting affective relationships.
e) Intense affective feelings and presence of remorse or guilt.

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De acordo com o PCL-R, os critérios que, quando presentes, corroboram o diagnóstico de psicopatia são: b) Mentira patológica e sentimentos afetivos superficiais. Espero ter ajudado! Se tiver mais alguma dúvida, é só perguntar.



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