
Regarding the use of the term 'apenas' in the news, it is correct to affirm that: A- indicates the short time the student spent at the mall; B- i...

Regarding the use of the term 'apenas' in the news, it is correct to affirm that:

A- indicates the short time the student spent at the mall;
B- indirectly criticizes the surveillance of the bike rack;
C- demonstrates the efficiency and planning of the thieves;
D- informs that the stolen bike was the only one in the bike rack;
E- inserts the author's opinion about the police's performance.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Portugues II
28 pág.

Concursos_administrativo Faculdade ÚnicaFaculdade Única


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A opção correta é a letra D - informa que a bicicleta roubada era a única no bicicletário. O termo "apenas" indica que não havia outras bicicletas no local, reforçando a informação de exclusividade.



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