
Regarding the indication and appointment of the inspector, according to IN 05/2017, analyze the following propositions: I - The indication of the ...

Regarding the indication and appointment of the inspector, according to IN 05/2017, analyze the following propositions:

I - The indication of the team and substitutes occurs through a formal act of the competent authority;
II - The appointment of the team must be established in specific regulations;
III - Compatibility with the duties of the position, complexity and quantity of contracts per employee, and capacity for performance are aspects to be considered for the assignment of inspection;
IV - There is a need to hire specialized assistance for technical inspection;
V - The impossibility of refusing the appointment because it is not an illegal order, but with the caveat that the appointed person has technical limitations to fulfill the duty.

Now answer, which of the previous statements are false?

a. Nenhuma das alternativas é falsa;
b. São falsas as alternativas I, III e IV;
c. São falsas as alternativas I, II e IV
d. Apenas a alternativa V é verdadeira.

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4 pág.

Administração Faculdade Novo MilênioFaculdade Novo Milênio


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De acordo com as proposições apresentadas, a alternativa correta é a letra B. São falsas as alternativas I, III e IV.



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