
Eduardo Viola, a professor of International Relations at the University of Brasilia, says that China has an “irresponsible” attitude towards climat...

Eduardo Viola, a professor of International Relations at the University of Brasilia, says that China has an “irresponsible” attitude towards climate because its economy does not rely on carbon-based fuels. it cannot avoid carbon dioxide emissions. it contributes to non-damaging development. it will soon become the number one greenhouse gas emitter around the globe. the country’s economic growth is affecting the climate seriously.


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A resposta correta para a afirmação de Eduardo Viola seria a alternativa (D): "em breve se tornará o maior emissor de gases de efeito estufa do mundo". Segundo o professor, a China está adotando uma postura irresponsável em relação ao clima devido ao seu crescimento econômico, que está afetando seriamente o clima global.


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