
In Text, the meaning of the boldfaced fragment in: “require constructing a new 1,200 mile-long transmission line that would potentially expose and ...

In Text, the meaning of the boldfaced fragment in: “require constructing a new 1,200 mile-long transmission line that would potentially expose and disrupt untouched wilderness in 17 national parks and reserves” (lines 14-17) can be best understood as a new transmission line a little longer than one mile that would potentially expose and exhibit untouched wilderness. a little longer than one mile that would potentially expose and display untouched wilderness. with an extension of one thousand and two hundred miles that would potentially expose and display untouched wilderness. with an extension of one thousand and two hundred miles that would potentially preserve and disturb untouched wilderness. with an extension of one thousand and two hundred miles that would potentially expose and disturb untouched wilderness.


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