
In the context of the national policy for the comprehensive health of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites, and transsexuals, it is the respons...

In the context of the national policy for the comprehensive health of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites, and transsexuals, it is the responsibility related to the Ministry of Health to

(A) distribute and support the dissemination of the Charter of Rights of Health Users in health services, guaranteeing respect for the use of social names.
(B) conduct the pact processes on the LGBT theme in the Bipartite Interagency Commission (CIB).
(C) effectively create spaces for promoting health equity in states and municipalities.
(D) identify the health needs of the LGBT population in the municipality.
(E) exclude gender identity questions in clinical records and violence notification documents from the Ministry of Health's Surveillance Secretariat (SVS/MS).

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Enare Fisioterapia 20202021
80 pág.

Residencia Fisioterapia Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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A alternativa correta é a letra (A) distribuir e apoiar a divulgação da Carta dos Direitos dos Usuários da Saúde nos serviços de saúde, garantindo o respeito ao uso de nomes sociais. Isso faz parte da responsabilidade do Ministério da Saúde no contexto da política nacional de saúde integral de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais.



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