
R.C.A, 49 anos, masculino, during hospital screening, reported fatigue, inability to engage in physical activity, loss of appetite, and dizziness. ...

R.C.A, 49 anos, masculino, during hospital screening, reported fatigue, inability to engage in physical activity, loss of appetite, and dizziness. He presented with non-painful depressible peripheral edema (digital pressure leaves visible and palpable marks, sometimes quite deep) in the feet and ankles, abdominal edema and ascites, as well as visible elevation of jugular venous pressure. The attending physician suspected heart failure.

Regarding the findings in this heart failure, it is correct to state:

(alternativa A) The radiographic findings suggestive of heart failure are increased cardiac silhouette, pleural effusion, fluid in the main fissure, and horizontal lines in the posteroinferior lung areas (Kerley B lines).
(alternativa B) Transthoracic echocardiography should be repeated every six months in patients with heart failure.
(alternativa C) The presence of peripheral edema is not a common finding in heart failure.
(alternativa D) The elevation of jugular venous pressure is not a characteristic finding in heart failure.

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23 pág.

Sistemas Orgânicos Integrados I Centro Universitário NOVAFAPICentro Universitário NOVAFAPI


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A alternativa correta é a (alternativa A) Os achados radiográficos sugestivos de insuficiência cardíaca são aumento da silhueta cardíaca, derrame pleural, líquido na fissura principal e linhas horizontais nas áreas pulmonares posteroinferiores (linhas de Kerley B).



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