
What is the IPHAN and what is its role in Brazil? a) The IPHAN is a Brazilian cultural heritage and its role is to protect and preserve the Brazi...

What is the IPHAN and what is its role in Brazil?

a) The IPHAN is a Brazilian cultural heritage and its role is to protect and preserve the Brazilian historical and artistic heritage.
b) The IPHAN is a Brazilian cultural heritage and its role is to protect and preserve the world's historical and artistic heritage.
c) The IPHAN is a world cultural heritage and its role is to protect and preserve the Brazilian historical and artistic heritage.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) O IPHAN é um patrimônio cultural brasileiro e seu papel é proteger e preservar o patrimônio histórico e artístico brasileiro. O Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) é uma autarquia federal brasileira vinculada ao Ministério do Turismo, que tem como objetivo proteger e preservar o patrimônio cultural brasileiro, incluindo bens materiais e imateriais, como monumentos, sítios arqueológicos, paisagens culturais, festas populares, entre outros.


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