
According to the text, what were the items that stood out in the evaluation of the students regarding the contribution of SE contents to their form...

According to the text, what were the items that stood out in the evaluation of the students regarding the contribution of SE contents to their formation as educators?

a) To understand the relationship between education and society, to construct a fair and egalitarian society, to understand the relationship between teacher and student, to form a transformative educator, and to understand the school as a former of citizens.
b) To understand the relationship between education and society, to construct a fair and egalitarian society, to understand the relationship between teacher and student, to form a transformative educator, and to understand the school as a former of workers.
c) To understand the relationship between education and society, to construct a fair and egalitarian society, to understand the relationship between teacher and student, to form a conservative educator, and to understand the school as a former of citizens.

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Sociologia Faculdade Venda Nova do ImigranteFaculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante

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De acordo com o texto, os itens que se destacaram na avaliação dos estudantes em relação à contribuição dos conteúdos de SE para sua formação como educadores foram: a) Compreender a relação entre educação e sociedade, construir uma sociedade justa e igualitária, entender a relação entre professor e aluno, formar um educador transformador e entender a escola como formadora de cidadãos.


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