
Classify V for true statements and F for false statements regarding the Second Law of Newton, also known as the Law of Force, which shows that when...

Classify V for true statements and F for false statements regarding the Second Law of Newton, also known as the Law of Force, which shows that when a body's acceleration is directly balanced with the resultant force acting on it. It occurs when a force is applied to an object, causing a change in its velocity, that is, the consequence of the force on the body triggers an acceleration whose direction and sense will be the same as those attributed to the initial force. In this context, classify V for true statements and F for false statements: ( ) The Second Law of Newton generates an equation that relates all the forces acting on a given object, its mass, and its acceleration. ( ) According to the Second Law of Newton, the same forces that act on different bodies cause the bodies to move in always equal ways. ( ) The Second Law of Newton determines that the smaller the force, the greater the body's acceleration, and the smaller the mass of that body, the smaller the acceleration. Choose the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:

The Second Law of Newton generates an equation that relates all the forces acting on a given object, its mass, and its acceleration.
According to the Second Law of Newton, the same forces that act on different bodies cause the bodies to move in always equal ways.
The Second Law of Newton determines that the smaller the force, the greater the body's acceleration, and the smaller the mass of that body, the smaller the acceleration.
A) V, F, V
B) F, V, V
C) V, V, F
D) F, F, V
E) V, V, V

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação l Movimento funcional humano
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A resposta correta é a alternativa C) V, V, F. Explicação: - (V) A Segunda Lei de Newton gera uma equação que relaciona todas as forças que atuam em um objeto, sua massa e sua aceleração. - (V) De acordo com a Segunda Lei de Newton, as mesmas forças que atuam em diferentes corpos fazem com que os corpos se movam sempre de maneira igual. - (F) A Segunda Lei de Newton determina que quanto menor a força, maior será a aceleração do corpo e quanto menor a massa desse corpo, menor será a aceleração. Na verdade, a lei determina que quanto maior a força, maior será a aceleração do corpo e quanto maior a massa desse corpo, menor será a aceleração.


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