
Considering the information and content studied about adipose tissue, analyze the following statements and choose the correct sequence: I - Uniloc...

Considering the information and content studied about adipose tissue, analyze the following statements and choose the correct sequence:

I - Unilocular adipose tissue is not very present in individuals.
II - Adipose tissue has the function of secreting hormones.
III - The deposition of localized fat is similar in men and women.
IV - In localized adiposity, there is hypertrophy of adipocytes in specific regions.
a) F, F, V, D
b) F, F, V, E
c) V, V, F, E
d) V, V, F, D


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A alternativa correta é a letra B) F, F, V, E. I - Unilocular adipose tissue is not very present in individuals. (Falso) II - Adipose tissue has the function of secreting hormones. (Falso) III - The deposition of localized fat is similar in men and women. (Verdadeiro) IV - In localized adiposity, there is hypertrophy of adipocytes in specific regions. (Falso)


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