
What is the content of the Dentistry Pre-Clinical course for the 2023-2 semester? Presentation of the Discipline: Objectives, Course Standards, Bas...

What is the content of the Dentistry Pre-Clinical course for the 2023-2 semester?
Presentation of the Discipline: Objectives, Course Standards, Basic Notions of Posture and Professional Behavior in the Laboratory.
Isolation of the operative field
Operative instruments: manual and rotary
Nomenclature and classification of cavities
General principles of cavity preparation
Preparation and restoration of Classes I and II for composite resin; Use of matrices and restoration of contact points
Adhesive Systems
Composite Resins (Review)
Photopolymerization and Photopolymerizers (part I)
Photopolymerization and Photopolymerizers (part II)
1st Bimester Evaluation (Theoretical and Practical)
Correction of the 1st theoretical evaluation
2nd Bimester Evaluation (Theoretical and Practical)
2nd Call
Final Exam
Extra Classes: Aesthetic Principles: Proportion, Shape, and Texture; Bulk-Fill Resins

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Cronograma DENTI´STICA PRE´-CLI´NICA - 2023-2
4 pág.

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