
According to the text, what percentage of people interviewed in a study presented excessive fear of speaking in public? 32% of the interviewees pr...

According to the text, what percentage of people interviewed in a study presented excessive fear of speaking in public?

32% of the interviewees presented excessive fear of speaking in public.
13% of the interviewees reported that the fear of speaking in public resulted in significant interference in their lives and/or caused significant suffering.
Only 11% of people with excessive fear of speaking in public associated with phobic cognitions and interference and suffering were receiving professional treatment for fear.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I, II, and III are correct.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa "a) Only I is correct.", pois a pergunta solicita a porcentagem de pessoas entrevistadas que apresentaram medo excessivo de falar em público, e a informação fornecida no texto é de que "32% dos entrevistados apresentaram medo excessivo de falar em público". As outras informações fornecidas no texto são sobre a interferência do medo na vida dos entrevistados e o tratamento profissional recebido por aqueles que sofrem com o medo.


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